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Saturday 18 April 2015


All you have to do is to learn to live with

 what and whom you have around you 

without expecting much from anything 

and anyone. Expectations hurts. It really 

causes pain and heartache more than 

you can imagine. 

Thursday 16 April 2015


A farmer had a dog that used to sit by the roadside waiting for vehicles to come around. As

soon as one came he would run down the road barking and trying to overtake it. One day, a 

neighbor asked a farmer "Do you think is ever going to catch a car?" The farmer replied 

"That is not what bothers me. What bothers me is what he would do if he ever caught one." 

Many people in life behave like that dog who is pursuing meaningless goals.

Life is hard by the yard,
But by the inch,
It's a cinch.

So, what ever you are doing right now, make sure you are on your right path. Don't be like that dog that doesn't know what to do once it has succeed to get what it chased. 
Think twice, act wise.

The people whom inspires me…

When I first met them, they were kinda scary. I was too afraid to even talk to them. The first person whom inspires me was my General Manager (GM) of a Travel Agency where I undertook my practical training. The second person was a lecturer from PTSS. And the third person is also a lecturer but from PIS.

What makes me realize is, three of them owns characters which will firstly scares people to death. I tend to assume that they are fussy, fierce, complicated to deal with but they are all SUCCESSFUL. As days goes by, I realized that whatever they do, however they treat me and others are for our own goodness.

Since then, I respected them. I adore them. I wanted to be like them, with such characters full of charisma. Doesn't matter if the first impression wouldn't work but people will get to know me sooner or later for sure.

I am not gonna mind about what others might say regarding my nature, as long as I know who I am, InsyaALLAH I will succeed with such characters within me with the intention...                        TO EDUCATE PEOPLE, TO INSPIRE PEOPLE.

Tuesday 14 April 2015


I love the life, and recently I found myself thinking about what makes me love the life. Not just my life, but the life as a whole. This brought in my mind a lot of things I really care about, or that make me feel good when I hear or see them.

A smile. A laugh. The happiness in the eyes of someone. The joy of seeing a loved one after a long time. A quarrel that ends with an hug. The first words of a child. A kind word whispered to someone who’s having a hard time. A small favor made for nothing in exchange. A ray of light after a violent storm. The feeling of the water on my head while showering. The smell of an old book, and the words I can read on it. A well told joke. A group of friends that try anything they can to help one of them. A friend that wants you to listen and advise because he trust you. Or a scared child that hug your leg because you can protect him. 

The feeling of happy tears that begin to come out after you see something heartwarming. Two hands that entwine their fingers. The Friday afternoon, when you can leave behind a hard week of work. The sound of the rain falling on nearby trees. A light breeze on a hot day. An unexpected and welcomed surprise. The smell of the underwood after a summer rain. Finding something to say at the right moment. Staring at the ceiling before falling asleep. A cat that sits on your lap. Receiving a good news, even if it doesn't involve directly you. A night sky with a lot of stars. The full moon behind translucent clouds. That feeling after an illness, when you are getting better. Watching a movie you loved when you were young, and finding out that you still like it.

Monday 13 April 2015

You have to walk, stumble, stand up again, fall into holes, get out of the holes, walk some
 more, climb a hill, roll down the hill, get up again, continue walking, trip, bandage the
wound, and keep walking.

After all LIFE is a JOURNEY