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Thursday 16 April 2015

The people whom inspires me…

When I first met them, they were kinda scary. I was too afraid to even talk to them. The first person whom inspires me was my General Manager (GM) of a Travel Agency where I undertook my practical training. The second person was a lecturer from PTSS. And the third person is also a lecturer but from PIS.

What makes me realize is, three of them owns characters which will firstly scares people to death. I tend to assume that they are fussy, fierce, complicated to deal with but they are all SUCCESSFUL. As days goes by, I realized that whatever they do, however they treat me and others are for our own goodness.

Since then, I respected them. I adore them. I wanted to be like them, with such characters full of charisma. Doesn't matter if the first impression wouldn't work but people will get to know me sooner or later for sure.

I am not gonna mind about what others might say regarding my nature, as long as I know who I am, InsyaALLAH I will succeed with such characters within me with the intention...                        TO EDUCATE PEOPLE, TO INSPIRE PEOPLE.

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